• 0800 DIVERSITY (348 377) | 09 525 3023
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Our e-Learning offering is part of Diversity Works New Zealand’s transition to a blended learning approach that incorporates in-person, online, and e-Learning components to enhance knowledge and capability for people throughout workplaces in Aotearoa.

Why opt for e-Learning?
Course library
How to buy e-Learning modules
Frequently asked questions

Why opt for e-Learning?

With small, digestible modules starting from $28, e-Learning is a way to introduce more of your people to this mahi or enhance your onboarding process. It delivers crucial insights without overwhelming the learner, enabling them to absorb key concepts at their own pace.

We plan to build a library of e-Learning modules to ensure you can access training that is tailored to your journey and maturity level in this mahi, whether you are just starting out or looking for advanced strategies.

These modules will offer learning that fits with busy schedules and a deeper understanding of key DEI concepts and challenges specific to the New Zealand context. This is practical learning that aligns with the realities of our diverse communities.

It will yield a great return on your investment and spark the crucial ongoing conversations needed to create more inclusive workplace cultures.

Please note: only logged in Diversity Works New Zealand members can purchase e-Learning modules during the launch phase. If your organisation is not yet a member, you can join here.

Course Library

Learning modules will continue to be added to our library.

Introduction to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in AotearoaIntroduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Aotearoa New Zealand

This module not only introduces DEI as a global best practice but underscores its pivotal role in providing organisations with a competitive edge.

Tailored specifically for Aotearoa New Zealand, this 20-minute e-Learning experience aims to spark your curiosity and establish a solid understanding of DEI efforts within the unique context of the country. You will learn important DEI terms, understand intersectionality, discover foundations relevant to Aotearoa New Zealand and recognise the importance of DEI in personal and workplace settings.

It also looks at what research has shown to be key components for the successful implementation of DEI strategy and initiatives.

Investment: From$28+GST

Buy now


Understanding Unconscious Bias e-LearningUnderstanding Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Gain an understanding of unconscious bias and its impact on workplace dynamics in Aotearoa New Zealand with our practical e-Learning module.

Unconscious biases, rooted in societal norms and personal experiences, shape decision-making processes without our awareness, leading to inequalities and hindering diversity, equity and inclusion.

Through this module, you will explore the significance of understanding unconscious bias, recognise various types of cognitive and unconscious bias, and discover practical tools to address and mitigate bias in the workplace.

Investment: From $28+GST


How to buy e-Learning modules

Head to the Diversity Works New Zealand e-Learning Hub – if you are not logged in to our member area (via the Community Hub), you will be prompted to do so. Then you can browse the course library.

Payment can be made by credit card.

Frequently asked questions

Our organisation is not a member of Diversity Works New Zealand. Can we buy the e-Learning modules?
We are currently implementing a process for non-members to purchase these modules. If you email us at training@diversityworksnz.org.nz to register your interest, we can let you know when this is available. But we recommend you join as a member – you will get access to the e-Learning Hub and enjoy many other advantages.

Can I buy modules for a group of learners at my organisation?
At launch, each learner has to login to purchase these modules but we will be offering bulk purchases at discounted rates in the future. Email us at training@diversityworksnz.org.nz to register your interest in bulk purchasing.

Our organisation has an internal learning platform. Can we buy these modules to add to our internal training offering?
This will be available further down the track. Email us at training@diversityworksnz.org.nz if this is something you are interested in.

Do learners receive a certificate upon completion?
Yes, learners can download a certificate after completing the course.

When will more courses be available?
We are planning to have three modules ready by July 2024 and another five available by the end of 2024. These will cover topics such as inclusive leadership, the foundations of respectful workplaces, and understanding unconscious bias.

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