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Workplace wellbeing grounded in te ao Māori

Monday, Feb 17, 2025

Group of employees being welcomed onto maraeOrganisations that embed te ao Māori wellbeing practices into their daily culture foster a workplace that truly considers, nurtures, and unites people through kotahitanga (collective unity), says Tuihana Ohia, founder of T Kaupapa.

Tuihana is the creator of the Hauora Ako series of workshops, which look at wellbeing through a Māori lens.

In March, she is delivering Te Whare Tapa Mahi (Workplace Discovery), providing a space for workplace reflection and the opportunity to enhance wellbeing practices to create healthier work environments.

“This approach offers a deeply holistic perspective on wellbeing—one that may feel innovative yet is rooted in ancient traditions and interconnected ways of being,” she says.

It enables organisations to create an environment where the whole person is valued, leading to greater engagement, resilience, and a stronger sense of belonging.

“Unlike many wellbeing programmes, this course draws from the knowledge, wisdom, and lived experiences already within individuals and organisations. It is not about looking outward for solutions but rather reconnecting with the answers that already exist within us, fostering hōnonga (deep connection) at every level.”

Last year, Tuihana introduced some of these concepts through the first workshop in the Hauora Ako series, Te Whare Tapa Au (Self Discovery).

This module takes a deeper dive into the connections and understanding of hōnonga (relationships) between the pou (pillars). It expands the learning by exploring the integral role of taiao (the natural environment), maramataka (the Māori lunar calendar), and whenua (land), enriching the understanding of wellbeing as an interconnected, living system.

It’s designed for leaders and those championing wellbeing within their organisations who are looking to explore, incorporate, and lead from a te ao Māori lens.

“Step into a transformational learning experience that weaves te ao Māori wisdom into your personal and professional life, offering not just knowledge, but a deep, meaningful connection to self, others, and the world around you.”

Book your place on this two-hour online course – spaces are limited.


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