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Unconscious bias e-learning updated

Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021


The unconscious bias e-learning modules that are part of Skillpod’s digital training platform have been updated to ensure they better meet the needs of our member organisations.

This course is provided by e-learning experts Skillpod using content that was originally developed in partnership with Diversity Works New Zealand.

Head of Research and Innovation Guillermo Merelo says the reviewed content reflects the latest research and approaches to dealing with bias in the workplace.

The learning modules still cover the neuroscience behind unconscious bias but they also look at the historical, social and human learning processes that can play a part in creating bias and how we can take responsibility for mitigating that bias.

“There is nothing we can do to avoid unconscious bias but we can slow down our thinking to limit the impact it has in our workplaces,” Guillermo says.

The content review was also an opportunity to provide more tools for learners and to ensure the digital modules were valuable and engaging.

The course includes five flexible e-learning modules that learners can complete with any device, anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace. It is designed to provide the foundation information and tools to transform your business into a more conscious, inclusive and high-performing organisation.

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