• 0800 DIVERSITY (348 377) | 09 525 3023

As a member you have access to use our logos on any of your collateral to show that you are an organisation that champions diversity and inclusion and provides equal employment opportunities. 

Including your member logo is a formal way to recognise your commitment to improving workplace diversity and inclusion. It is extremely important that this commitment is supported by a genuine effort to create a culture of inclusion within your organisation.

To request your member logo, please email our Membership team: membership@diversityworksnz.org.nz. In some cases, you may need to review our logo terms and conditions and confirm understanding through a signing authority. Once this is complete, the team will provide the logo files.

Recommended usage

Organisations typically place our logos on:

  • Email signatures
  • Job ads
  • Recruitment material
  • Website
  • Posters
  • Presentations


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