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Medium-Large Organisation Winner

People listening to a presentation in a Marae

A programme giving current and future rangatahi the opportunity to see, feel and experience indigenous leadership has allowed KPMG to build its pipeline of Māori and Pasifika leaders, ensuring the voices of these communities will be represented in senior-level decision making.

KPMG New Zealand is part of the KPMG global network of professional firms providing audit, tax and advisory services.


The firm is committed to having teams that reflect the diverse make up of Aotearoa, says Pou Ahurea Vinnie Campbell.

Seven years ago, it established Kiwa, an affinity network aimed at giving Māori and Pasifika staff a sense of belonging and a way to embed their values and principles.

As a result of Kiwa, a greater number of junior employees from those communities are being hired into the firm, Vinnie says.

At junior levels, eight per cent of KPMG people identify as Māori or Pasifika but there is work to do at senior levels, where that figure is only two per cent.

“We needed to expand our focus from recruitment to building our pipeline of Māori and Pasifika leaders. We were also seeing a high turnover rate of Māori and Pasifika people at manager and senior manager level.”

To address these issues, Tangaroa Ara Ra, an immersive leadership development experience co-designed with emerging Kiwa leaders, was introduced to support Māori and Pasifika employees in building their careers.

Tangaroa Ara Rau is more than a traditional skills development-based leadership programme. It is fully customised for Māori/Pasifika, by Māori/Pasifika, reflecting their values and connection to culture and how those factors have a place at KPMG.

Ten current and future rangatahi take part in four overnight wānanga held in four different locations around Aotearoa, providing the opportunity to connect kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) with renowned Māori and Pasifika leaders from all walks of life. Politicians, iwi leaders, community, sports and business leaders and social and education visionaries have all been part of Tangaroa Ara Ra.

“Our people were able to experience a way of leadership deeply centred in a lifetime of service to their people. This is the key point of difference to any other leadership development available across the organisation,” says Vinnie.

They also expanded their connections and networks and gained valuable experience, knowledge, and insights on how to navigate the many challenges a modern world presents, whilst holding fast to their traditional values.

Emerging leaders from the programme will be equipped to lead and implement customer and stakeholder engagements and initiatives within a Māori and Pasifika context. The programme is making a significant contribution to KPMG’s mission of fuelling the prosperity of New Zealand and all New Zealanders, Vinnie says.

Gathering of kiwa in front of water

Since 2022, the number of Māori and Pasifika at senior leadership levels in KPMG has increased by 61 per cent from 24 to 34. Māori and Pasifika directors within the firm have increased from four to 10.

Feedback from participants is positive.

“This programme was far more impactful than most of the other leadership programs I have participated in. I was able to meet and connect with leaders who look like me, and whose leadership styles resonated with what leadership feels like to me.”

“Tangaroa Ara Rau was the most enriching programme I could have hoped for. I met leaders from a wide base and learned from them a range of tools and techniques to support my leadership journey.”

Vinnie says the programme is levelling the playing field at KPMG and ensuring everyone can thrive and grow.

“Through Tangaroa Ara Rau, we are contributing to creating more Māori and Pasifika leaders at senior levels to both foster their own leadership skills, as well as lead the next generation of Māori and Pasifika peoples.”

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