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Promoting mental health at work

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week posterMental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) takes place from 26 September to 2 October this year.

This year’s theme is Reconnect - with the people and places that lift you up. The past couple of years have been tough and it’s easy to feel disconnected from the people and places that are important to us.

We know that workplaces are important places of connection for people and our organisations can be instrumental in supporting mental health and wellbeing.

Head to the Mental Health Foundation website to download posters, workplace kōreoro cards that can kickstart conversations to help you get to know your colleagues better and a guide with suggestions of daily activities to bring MHAW to life in your organisation.

There’s even a mindful colouring template to print out for your break room!

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